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Autumn 2020 Newsletter

Thank you to everyone who completed the survey, it's been really helpful to know what classes you want and how you want them.
My mantra since March has been 'adaptability' and I feel confident this is a necessary mantra to continue practising as we move into Autumn and Winter. Therefore the key element to the new schedule is knowing it may change month by month.


New Schedule and Class Updates

Some, but not all of the Village Hall spaces are open for hire again: 
Newton Green Village Hall classes sadly will not resume indoors for the foreseeable future. Assington Village Hall has not confirmed one way or the other as yet and Long Melford Old School is open but with a lot of caveats!

  • So for September the OUTSIDE classes will continue and ONLINE classes will resume.

  • I have provisionally booked Long Melford Old School to resume in October.

Go to the 'Schedule Tab' to view the current schedule or to the 'Book a Yoga Class' tab to book for September.



Those of you who have attended the Outdoor classes will know how much I have come to LOVE practicing outside! There are numerous benefits to practising outdoors which I will share more on in September's BLOG.
To quote Alfred Wainwright "“There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing”.
Honouring this I intend to continue an outdoor class for the foreseeable future and adjust my yoga attire!
For those dedicated enough to join me, naturally your safety is paramount and I will cancel if weather conditions pose a hazard. In that event I would send you a link for the class online instead (or refund if you're already subscribed Online).
Go to 'Book a Yoga Class' tab to book an outdoor class, Drop In and Monthly Pass options available.



This month we welcome back the return of Paper Kite Yoga ONLINE. The pre-recorded classes online seem to have been so beneficial for so many so I am delighted to be able to offer them again. The subject of Live Streamed Zoom classes has been raised and may be used in place of the Newton Green class on Monday mornings (9.30-11 am) - please let me know if you would like to take part.
Unfortunately I am unable to provide Live Zoom classes in the evenings. (small and very busy family house!)
Go to the 'Book a yoga Class' tab to book your ONLINE classes.


Until next time,
May you
Be well and healthy,
Be kind and compassionate to your Self and others,
Cultivate love and healing for all beings.

Om Shanti, Shanti Shanti



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